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人に感動を与える赤ちゃんの香り パート3
Jelk氏は、赤ちゃんを連想させる製品としてゲラン「アンソレンス」、ケンゾー「フラワー バイ ケンゾー」、アルマーニ「センシ」などをあげます。ディメイターは実際に「ベビーパウダー」と命名されていますし、しかもそのラベルにはジョンソン・エンド・ジョンソンのベビーパウダーと同じ文字フォントやカラーコンビネーションが採用されるという懲りようです。



知覚心理学者Pamela Daltonさんによると、赤ちゃんの匂いが人の心に及ぼす心理的な効果について「驚きではない」と言います。



Jelk names Insolence by Guerlain, Flower by Kenzo, Sensi by Armani and a Demeter fragrance actually called Baby Powder - written on the label using the same font and color combination as Johnson's Baby Lotion - as perfumes that fit the trend.

"I think it's the comfort. There's something reassuring when you smell it, it's clean and soft," she says. "I think we like what we remember from our childhood."

Sensory psychologist Pamela Dalton of the Monell Chemical Senses Center, an independent non-profit research center, says she's not surprised the baby scent is so appealing.

"It's a lighter note, so you'll smell it fairly quickly. It's part of a complex mixture, but it does stand out and probably does remind you of something nurturing, either your experience as a child, parent or even taking care of a baby," she says.

Smell can be a powerful pointer to memories, and is often associated with places, people and experiences, not source.

"If you walk down the street and smell something, you don't immediately think 'hot dog.' You think 'a baseball game in the summer with my father,"' she says.

"The most intense emotional memories seem restricted to things we smell only occasionally but have a pretty potent emotional tie to," she says.

続く・・・ (2008-04-25)